Bookkeeping is a vital part of any business. Having a virtual assistant as a bookkeeper is very good for helping manage your money. If you want to get the most out of your virtual assistant bookkeeper, though, there are three things you should make sure you do.

infographic about virtual assistant bookkeeper and how to get the most out of them

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1. Regular Meetings With Your Virtual Assistant Bookkeeper

The great advantage of a virtual assistant bookkeeper is that you don’t have to meet in person. Everything is done through digital meetings. This has been a massive help during Covid-19, letting people keep in touch without risking exposure, but it has other advantages, too. It saves you time, as you can squeeze meetings in when both of you have time to spare. It saves you money because nobody has to use gas to drive to the meeting. Given this advantage, if you want to get the most out of a virtual assistant, you should schedule meetings regularly. If you haven’t been having at least yearly meetings with your bookkeeper, you’re already missing out on a lot, but with the advantages of digital meetings, you could have meetings on a quarterly, or even monthly basis with little trouble.

They don’t need to be very long meetings if you have them regularly. The more meetings you have, the faster your bookkeeper can respond to changes in your company finances, and the less time you have to spend in those meetings. Don’t be afraid to talk with your bookkeeper more often when virtual meetings are an option.

2. Get Someone Certified in QuickBooks

Do you need to have QuickBooks? If you have a bookkeeper who does, you certainly don’t. Professional bookkeepers, or 3rd party bookkeeping companies (like us!) can get discounts on QuickBooks, letting you get the benefits of the program for much less cost. If you’re looking to hire a virtual assistant bookkeeper, make sure you ask about QuickBooks. If they have it (like we do!), they have access to a lot of useful tools that can save your business a lot of time and money.

3. Talk To Your Bookkeeper Before Any Big Changes

Are you thinking about trying something new? How much will it cost? Can those expenses be declared? Is your business in a good position to be making this change? Since a virtual bookkeeper is so much easier to arrange meetings with, don’t hesitate to set up a meeting to discuss any major changes you’re thinking about. You can get a report on your current finances and get their input on what ways you could save money in making this change. You can work out the financial nitty-gritty well in advance. It will help you make better decisions about how to manage any major changes in your business operations.

Our Virtual Assistants Are Ready to Help With Your Bookkeeping

Dragon Financial is waiting to assist you with your company finances. Virtual assistant bookkeepers are just one of many services we offer. We can help you out with everything you need to keep your company financially stable during these tough times. You won’t have to stress yourself out worrying about the bookkeeping and can focus on just making money. We’ll save you time, money, and your sanity!

Want some help? Get in touch with us today and see what we can do for you!