Cloud Office Management Saves Your Business Money, Time and Sanity.
Are you considering going virtual? Mobile? Have you tried going online, but find it difficult to manage everything?
Common concerns with cloud office management include the seemingly complex options available, the possibility of losing information, or the headache of transitioning into the cloud. So many businesses question whether to go completely cloud based, stay out of the cloud or work some form of combination.
What the cloud provides.
1. Options
From an office management and bookkeeping solution perspective, we have quicker access to customer files, sharing important data and files faster to important team members involved, linking bank accounts into bookkeeping software, outsourcing capabilities, more tools for meetings and much much more. Our customers end up saving an average 10%-25% of their invoices from us to manage for them because of the cloud tools we use compared to outsourcing to non cloud based office management and bookkeeping companies.
2. Security
Many online file storage or cloud software systems have firewalls set in place to protect your information. Making sure you change your password regularly with a complex password, maintaining your own computer and firewall updates will typically maintain all the security you need.
3. Seamless Solutions.
Many software programs, such as Microsoft, Intuit, and Act have a cloud version. This makes it easier than ever to learn and maintain a cloud based office management system.
How to determine how much cloud to use.
What kind of business are you? Is there any particular laws or special security measures you need? How much time do you want to save? Are you willing to learn more functions of the cloud, your computer and other mobile devices?
We use both online and offline management solutions for our customer’s needs. Usually combining both cloud file storage and offline paper storage as are needed for tax documents, client files, payroll, or specially requested files.
Overall the world is moving towards speedy cloud based software systems. They’ve proven effective in office management, bookkeeping, and other areas of office management. Mobile device usage is becoming more popular with the advent of smart phones and tablets. We can now work with clients with multiple offices, across state lines and in less time than ever before.