A virtual assistant can help with your bookkeeping

Virtual Assistants Are More Useful Than Ever

With all this talk of AI floating around the internet, a lot of people just what use people serve. Well, if you want quality, you still definitely need a real person. After all, AI generated content looks good on the surface, but if you really examine it closely, you quickly realize how unreal it is. It makes mistakes no human would ever make because we grasp the context, while the AI is just brute forcing its way to an answer good enough to fool some of the people all of the time. But needing a real person doesn’t mean you need to be able to meet in person. That’s where our virtual assistants come in.

What is a Virtual Assistant

Although it may sound like some sci-fi online robot, what we mean by virtual assistant is just a qualified professional who conducts their business virtually. In the post Covid-19 world, virtual assistants saw a surge of business, as people became afraid, or unable to meet in person. Conducting business online may be a bit impersonal, but it does have its advantages. Those advantages aren’t just avoiding being in contact with people who might make you sick.

The Major Advantages of a Virtual Assistant

1. Availability

One of the problems of having a bookkeeper that you meet with in person is that availability becomes very dependent on the two of you being able to line up schedules. With a virtual assistant, these problems become much easier to work around. For one, you can send information to the virtual assistant at any point, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting about what you want to talk about before you’re able to meet. The assistant will receive the message and can be ready to talk it out whenever.

It also makes scheduling much easier. When meeting in person, both of you have to drive to a place where you decide to meet, which means driving time needs to be considered. If the only place you can meet is a good distance away, that means needing to plan your whole day around that meeting. With a virtual assistant, however, there’s no drive time. You both arrange a time and when that time comes, you just get on your computer and connect through whatever video chat service you use. With no driving time, a one hour meeting is always just one hour out of your day.

time is money2. Save Money

It’s not just more convenient to use a virtual assistant, it also saves you money. All that driving uses gas, and gas costs money. The price of gas has been fluctuating pretty wildly of late, from reasonable, to unfeasible. If meeting with your bookkeeper in person would be a long drive, that drive is costing you money beyond what you already pay for your bookkeeper. If gas prices are running high that month, the cost is even worse. With no drive, however, there’s no cost. This also becomes a cost that your bookkeeper saves, which can allow them to pass that saving on to you.

3. Less Stress

The ease with which you can conduct business with a virtual assistant can really take a load off your mind. If something suddenly comes up and you need to meet with your bookkeeper as soon as possible, online meetings make it so much easier to arrange this. You can rest easier knowing that if you need to talk to them, you won’t be stuck waiting weeks before you can address issues. The extra savings also means more money you can turn to improving your business and covering other expenses. Set aside the worry about your finances and get back to doing what you do best: making money!

Call Us Today!

Tax day might be past (unless you got an extension), but that doesn’t mean you should just stop thinking about taxes. Prep work is much easier if you do it regularly throughout the year instead of waiting until the last second. We can help you out by managing your business finances year-round, so you never have to worry about needing an extension.

dragon financial logoAnd if you still want to meet your bookkeeper in person, we do have options. If you live in Oregon or Washington state, we can help, whether online or in person. We can also consult with and train your team to help optimize their methods and keep everyone up to date on proper methods.

So, if you want some help with keeping on top of your finances, give us a call today!